Field test MiniMODs X7 Advanced Derailleur System South Korea 4 rivers Cross Country (Seoul-Busan 633km) (EU stock) South Korea 4 rivers Cross Country (Seoul-Busan 633km) First day of my #Brompton solo...
Brompton Cover Bag for Biketouring Travel
If you’re taking your Brompton biketouring, then the MiniMODs Elastic Brompton Cover Bag is a must-have.
Brompton Rear Shock Test Ride Compilation
The most easy upgrade for brompton besides hinge clamp should be the rear shock. Brompton stock suspension block has the reputation of...
MiniMODs titanium clamping lever on RIDEA hinge plate, Step by step installation procedure
In order to have MiniMODs titanium clamping lever works with RIDEA hinge plate, we need three small wahsers at the end of the limit...